Learn How To Write a Compelling Sales Letter

You’ve just finished crafting what you believe to be the best infoproduct ever…you’ve done your research, compiled all your data, packaged it all up into different informative packed modules and followed your digital product launch plan only to hear internet crickets.

What happened?

You know from your research that similar products are selling like hot cakes? So why isn’t anyone interested in buying your course?

If all of the above is absolutely true then you may have “missed the mark” so to say! It’s time to re-evaluate your sales letter.

That’s right folks, your sales letter can make or break the success of your course or infoproduct.

Unless you’ve got some experience writing sales copy, you should probably look into outsourcing this task to a talented copywriter in order to maximize conversions. Now, If that’s not economically feasible, then luckily you’ve found this tutorial as a starting point for creating your compelling sales letter.

Step 1: Profile Your Target Market

The first thing you’re going to need to do is learn as much about your target market as possible. What does that entail you ask…well, first you’re going to begin by really digging down into your research. You’re looking for the audience demographics (e.g., “dog owner demographics”), make sure you’re sticking to reputable sources. Then you’re going to spend some time reading discussions from your market, maybe even creating a survey using online tools like surveymonkey.com to learn more about their problems and what they’re looking for.

Step 2: List Your Product Features and Benefits

Your next step is to list all your product’s features and the associated benefits of those features.

Be sure to also create your USP (unique selling proposition), which is the one thing that sets your product apart from similar products.

Step 3: Craft Your Compelling Headline

Now that you know the benefits of your product, showcase your biggest benefits (and, ideally, your USP) in the headline of your sales letter.

E.G., “Discover the Easy Way to Lose Weight… Without Hunger Pangs, Cravings or Feeling Deprived!”

Step 4: Define the Problem

The opener of your sales letter should “Hook” your reader by defining their problem.

E.G., “Do you ever feel tired and short of breath after climbing a flight of stairs?”

Step 5: Offer the Solution

I know this next step seems kind of simple, however, your next step is to offer your product as the solution to the reader’s problem, and then list all the benefits of your product (typically in the form of a bulleted list).

E.G., “You’ll get a full three months’ worth of meal plans, recipes and grocery lists – weight loss is easy when we do all the planning for you!”

The Proof Is In The Pudding

What? People are skeptical about buying something online? Of course they are…and it’s your job to put those fears to rest by offering proof! You can do this by providing the following types of proof:

• Case studies.
• Testimonials.
• “Before” and “after” pics.
• Videos.
• Screenshots.
• Media clippings.

… And anything else that proves what you’re saying is true.

Step 7: Raise and Handle Objections

Your next step is to raise the objections people have to buying your product, and then handle them.

For example, if people think your product won’t work, then offer a guarantee.

Another example: if people think your product is too expensive, then justify the price (showing them how they can’t afford to NOT buy it).

Step 8: Offer a Call to Action

The final step is to tell your prospects to take action. Whenever possible, give them a good reason to do so now.

E.G., “Take out your credit card and click the buy button below – because the sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll start liking the person looking back at you in the mirror!”


You just received an overview tutorial of how to craft a compelling sales letter. Be sure to have this article ready for easy reference the next time you start writing your next sales letter!

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