Creating A Successful Content Marketing Strategy Requires These 6 Steps

Feeling lost and confused when it comes to content marketing? Where should you start? What should you post? Where should you post it?

To help you get started, I’ve written today’s post to give you an idea of the 6 key steps you need to undertake to create a successful content marketing strategy. So throw out those objections and let’s get to work!

#1 Let’s Begin By Setting Some Goals

Having the right goals can mean the difference between the success or failure of your Content Marketing Strategy.

Content Marketing Strategy

The number one thing you’re going to do first is identify what you hope to achieve.

If fail to plan, then you plan to fail!

Essentially, that’s the long hard truth here! You’re going to need to look under the hood and see if it’s a feasible goal and you’re not going to be able to do that unless you’ve got a content marketing strategy!

And not just any old content marketing strategy…no…a rock solid content marketing strategy which should then accompany your goals.

I find when I sit down to begin crafting a content marketing strategy I’ll break things down and begin setting some milestones. I find it just make’s it so much easier to not only get back on track when there are distractions…like my new Goldendoodle puppy CJ. If I didn’t have a step by step content marketing strategy… I’d be lost.

Another added bonus is the extra motivation you’ll get every time you cross something off your list.

#2 You’ve gotta know who your peeps are!

If there was ever a time for a warning…it’s at this step! I urge you to spend some serious time in determining exactly who your perfect customer is.

Customer or buyer personas are definitely something I’ve written about here on the blog before. I actually have a free download you can find on my resource page.

I can’t stress enough the importance of knowing exactly who your target audience is. It’s one of the backbones of a successful content marketing strategy. Without it, you’re basically shooting in the dark.

If you really want to make the most of your content marketing strategy, then it’s imperative that you know who your content is for first.

#3 Identify your content platforms

There are a lot of platforms you can choose to publish your content on. Something else I’ve written about on this blog is ownership. I’ve been doing this long enough to have seen many a platform disappear overnight taking with it all your hard work, time and content for supposedly breaking some unknown rule and losing access to your account.

REMEMBER THIS…all of the social media platforms like FB, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn to name a few, are usually free and with that in mind understand that it’s technically not yours and can be taken away at any time for any reason!

These days you can easily buy a domain name from a registrar like Namecheap, redirect it to a hosting provider like Hostgator, which is the web hosting company I’ve been using for over 12 years. Then, usually you’d use the one click Install to install WordPress on your site and you’re in business. For a more detailed walkthrough of this process check out my free

I would understand if it was crazy expensive to do this or super complicated, however, the process is neither and you could have your very own website up and running within 24 hours…(usually within minutes.) Its a pretty inexpensive way to own your little piece of the internet. For a detailed walkthrough of how to do this, check out my Build Your Own Website series

Now, while having your own website should definitely be at the top of your list. A rock solid social media presence is also very important. Use these platforms like any other tool you’re using to properly run your digital business. You’ve just to find out what other platforms are preferred by your audience.

Crafters for example are all about Pinterest and watching tutorial style videos on Youtube and TicTok. While business professionals would probably be spending time on LinkedIn.

#4 Decide on your types of content

Once you know where your audience hangs out, then it’s time to decide on the types of content you should be publishing. In addition to blog posts and articles, you can repurpose your content into many other formats like videos, infographics, podcasts, etc.

#5 It’s marketing and promotion time

If you build it they will come may have been a pretty cool baseball movie staring Kevin Costner, however, the same can’t really be said about your online business. What I mean by this is that your content isn’t going to get discovered on its own. You’ll need to go out there and promote your content!

Now I know what you’re thinking…what about SEO Bryan? Won’t that drive traffic to my site?

Of course SEO works and by adding that content to your site it will eventually get indexed by the SERP’s and as a result will drive traffic…eventually. That’s right SEO is the long game for your website.

However, your content marketing strategy should be using a platform like Facebook to form a community that sees you as the authority. It’s free and just something you simply shouldn’t pass up.

Furthermore, by using social media you’re making it super easy for your audience to share your content by simply adding social media sharing buttons on your site. Then you can straight up ask them to share it with their own networks!

2 thoughts on “Creating A Successful Content Marketing Strategy Requires These 6 Steps”

  1. Pingback: Can A Content Marketing Strategy Really Benefit My Brand - Bryan Kenny

  2. Pingback: 3 Simple Changes To Your Business Spending That Could Put More Money In Your Pocket in 2022 - Bryan Kenny

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