
How to Create an In-Demand Product: The Product Creation FAQ

FAQS Articles: How to Create an In-Demand Product

Have you taken notice that some people seem to always create bestselling products, while you’re struggle to sell even a few copies?

Some of that comes down to marketing, of course. However, a lot of it begins and ends with creating a high-quality, in-demand product that your audience will really love. That’s why I put together this product-creation FAQ. Read on…

What’s the key to create an in-demand product?


The secret’s in your market research. This means finding out what your audience wants, and then giving them something similar (yet better) than what’s already on the market.

Now I am definitely not condoning digital theft of any kind. I’m suggesting that when you’re researching the marketplace looking to Create an In-Demand Product you MUST check out the competition and their existing product(s). If what they’re doing is working and they’re making sales, you’re then looking at their products for inspiration or how to make it better. Simply ripping off someone isn’t a long-term or short term business strategy I follow here on the blog and in my business.

How can I See What’s Sellng?

Yo can visit marketplaces like, and to see what infoproducts are selling really well and what your target market is already buying.

For example, if you’re selling weight loss information and you note that people are really interested in low-carb dieting, then you’re going to want to create a product on that topic. (As I said…Don’t copy others’ product in any way… your product needs to be fresh and teach information from your own unique perspective.)

How do you boost the value of your product?

When you’re looking to Create an In-Demand Product, there are a variety of ways to create a product with a high perceived value. Here are a few ideas:

  • Share intermediate or advanced information, which has a higher perceived value than beginner information.
  • Use a high-value format such as video over text.
  • Offer a course rather than an “ebook.”
  • Provide useful tools to help people implement the information. Examples include worksheets, checklists, cheat sheets, templates and similar items.
  • Create a bonus package to raise the value of your offer.

Next question…

What if I’m not a pro writer/video producer/teacher, etc.?

So how are you supposed to create an in-demand product if you’re not a pro?

Well – if you don’t have the time, skills or inclination to create a product, then you could simply outsource it. That’s right folks, by simply creating a project or a “gig” on a site like or you could find the perfect freelancer.

However, I must warn you…while the process of creating gigs on these sites is quite easy, finding the perfect candidate can be quite a lengthy process, which sometimes yields negative results. What I mean by that is if not done correctly, outsourcing can be time consuming and may result in you hiring someone who may not possess the correct skillset for your particular gig…simply put, hiring the wrong person for the gig is expensive as well as a huge time suck. That’s why I created



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What are some of the overlooked keys to create an in-demand product?

Some people think that if your topic is a proven seller, then your product is going to sell like crazy. In order for that to happen, you also need to put these keys in place:

  • Proof and polish your product. This makes a great impression and boosts the value of your product.
  • Choose a compelling title. Your title can make or break your product, so brainstorm benefit-driven titles that will excite your audience. (Tip: Browse through Amazon’s bestseller lists in a variety of niches to see how to construct a compelling title.)
  • Create an entertaining product. It should be entertaining to keep people engaged, and useful to solve their problem.
  • Design professional cover graphics. Outsource this task on, or similar if you don’t have the skills to do it yourself.

Creating in-demand products isn’t magic. You just need to follow the tips above for researching your market and then creating a high-value product your audience is sure to love!

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