Creating a Course Your Customers Will Really Love

Whether you’re talking about a text-based course or a video course, customers tend to love these types of products. And you’ll love selling them, since the high perceived value means you can charge more for a course versus other infoproduct formats (such as ebooks).

So, with that in mind, check out these three steps for creating courses your customers will love…

Step 1: Do Your Market Research

The first thing you’re going to need to do is figure out what your audience really wants. A good way to do this is to find out what they’re already buying.

You can check:

• to see what sort of video courses they’re buying.
• Marketplaces like Amazon and ClickBank to see what sort of infoproducts they’re buying in your niche.
• Websites in your niche to see what they’re selling.
• Paid advertisements (such as sponsored ads) to see what they’re promoting.

You’re specifically on the hunt for bestsellers and multiple vendors selling similar topics – these are both signs that a particular topic is “hot” in your niche right now.

Step 2: Decide What to Include

Next, you’re going to need to make decisions as to what you’re going to include in your course and begin creating your outline.

To do this, take two steps:

  1. Brainstorm. That’s right…this is where you put on the “ole” thinking cap and come up with all the sub-topics, steps, tips, examples, mistakes, etc. you’d like to include in your course.
  2. Research. You’re searching for similar infoproducts. Use this information for inspiration – do NOT copy.

NOTE: While you may choose a topic that others have done before, and you may even look to similar products for inspiration…however, your goal is to create something fresh. This means:

• Sharing novel tips.
• Sharing unique information such as case studies, personal stories and personal examples.
• Sharing information in a new way, such as turning a step-by-step formula into an acronym/formula. (E.G., “AIDA” (attention, interest, desire, action) is an acronym that describes a copywriting formula – you can create your own acronym-based formula around a step by step process.)

Step 3: Develop Your Course

Once you’ve compiled all your information, you’re going to want to include, then organize it into a step-by-step format. If you’re delivering the course in parts, then create equal-sized modules. (E.G., you might create a 12-module course and deliver one lesson/module per week for three months.)

Keep these tips in mind:

Use a light, conversational tone. Analyze this post as an example.

Add relevant stories to keep people engaged. For example, what problems did you have when you first started with this niche topics? What mistakes did you make?

Add value to your course. Offer worksheets, checklists, templates, swipes, planners and cheat sheets to help people take action on what they just learned.

Proof and polish. If you have errors in your course, people will judge the information as a whole to be low-quality. If needed, hire someone to proof and fact-check your course.

Insert backend offers. Promote related products and services inside your course.

As always, if you don’t possess the skills to produce a polished end result, you could always choose to outsource this entire task to a freelance writer (or video editor).


You can easily turn a course into a premium offer or even a residual income offer, which is why you’ll want to start creating your own courses!

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