increase your conversion rate

Learn The secrets to increase your conversion rate, Overcome Barriers and Turn Interested Visitors into loyal Paying Customers

In today’s blog post I’m sharing 5 Simple Strategies to increase your conversion rate and Overcome your Barriers to Sale

So you’ve created and launched the perfect product based off your niche research, through that extensive research you’ve located your hungry audience and nailed down your perfect customer avatar…but for some reason you find yourself struggling to make sales let alone increase your conversion rate…?

Before you dump your product and just take the loss and move on, your solution could be as easy as reassessing your customers journey through your sales funnel.

Now remember, you’re looking for any potential psychological barriers which could be standing in the way of your visitor and thus negatively affecting your ability to increase your conversion rate. These barriers can prevent even the most interested and informed potential customer from making a purchase.

But don’t worry, there are ways to break through these barriers and turn those interested visitors into paying customers which as a result, should increase your conversion rate. Keep reading to learn more about these barriers and how to break them down.

increase your conversion rate

These barriers, also known as “barriers to sale,” can come in many forms. For example, a potential customer may have concerns about the security of their payment information, or they may be hesitant to make a decision due to a lack of trust in your brand.

Regardless of the specific barrier, the key to overcoming these obstacles and increase your conversion rate is to address them head-on.

This can be done through various means, such as providing clear and concise information about your product, offering multiple payment options to address security concerns, and building trust through customer reviews and social proof. By breaking down these barriers, you can increase the chances of turning interested visitors into paying customers, which should inevitably increase your conversion rate.

So, don’t let psychological barriers stand in the way of turning a failed product into a thriving business by simply understanding and addressing these barriers.

So what are these barriers to sale and how do you break them down to increase your conversion rate?

The first barrier to sale is trust.

Maybe your potential customers don’t trust your online brand enough to make a purchase?

Many people are hesitant to buy from online brands because they fear that their payment information will be lost or that they won’t receive the products they ordered.

But there are ways to overcome this trust barrier and convince potential customers to buy from you.

One effective strategy is to showcase customer reviews on your website.

This social proof can help to build trust and show potential customers that others have had positive experiences with your brand. Additionally, it’s important to make sure that your website looks professional and trustworthy. This can help to reassure potential customers that they can trust your brand.

For example, if you run a clothing store, you might feature customer reviews on your product pages, along with high-quality product photos and a user-friendly design. This can help to build trust and make it more likely that potential customers will make a purchase.

Also standing in your way is the effort of buying.

Have you ever abandoned a purchase online because the checkout process was too complicated? You’re not alone.

According to a survey conducted by the Baymard Institute in 2022, based on data they collected, they were able to calculate the average cart abandonment rate to be 69.99%. That staggering figure was found based on 48 different studies containing statistics on e-commerce shopping cart abandonment.

Furthermore, I’ve also found data which explains that many people find the process of entering payment information and going through checkout to be tedious and frustrating. In fact, it can be enough to discourage them from buying something they really want.

So, how do you make the checkout process as smooth and easy as possible?

One effective solution is to use a well-known payment gateway like PayPal or Stripe. These payment gateways are familiar to many customers and offer a simple and secure way to complete a purchase.

Whether you use Paypal or Stripe…the real conversion killer is the inability to offer an offer bump or a one time offer (OTO) to your new customer without them having to input their payment details again.

Most online business owners looking to maximize their conversion rates usually cover their advertising costs by offering their newly acquired customer another complimentary product to the one they just either requested or purchased from you.

So let’s say your online business is targeting outdoor adventure fly fishing enthusiasts. A lead magnet could be offering a free downloadable ebook showing the 3 best flies you’ve made which always results in you landing the biggest catch of the day. Your offer bump could be a video series where you teach people how to make their own flies.

If you’re really looking to grow your online business then a more effective option is to use an All-In-One marketing platform like Clickfunnels or a more economical option, as in 100% free like the one I’m currently using

While you’ve probably heard of ClickFunnels and might even be a current user, you may not have heard of So let me be the first person to inform you about this pretty amazing all-in-one digital marketing platform that makes building and growing your online business a breeze.

Just so you know that they’re a legit business…they currently have well over 10,000 customers and are rapidly expanding. They even have a remote team of 60 people from all over the world, and their tool is available in 7 languages!

I absolutely love how customizable their software is. That’s right folks…I am a user and I can tell ya that this tool allows you to set up your business in a way that works best for you, from creating a website and landing pages to managing email marketing and membership sites. They’ve got everything covered!

Overall, the team at seems to be focused on helping you run a successful business and keep moving your success story forward. I highly recommend giving them a try!

Just so you know, I am an affiliate for both Clickfunnels as well as and if you click on any of the links on this page and sign up for Clickfunnels “One Funnel Away Challenge” or if you sign up for any of the plans offers, I’ll receive a commission. I’m sure I don’t have to go into how affiliate marketing works, however, if you’re not quite sure what affiliate marketing is or how it works or maybe even starting your own affiliate marketing business…then please feel free to check out my Ultimate Guide To Picking A Profitable Niche

Buyers’ Remorse

Have you ever felt guilty after making a purchase? This is a pretty common experience known as “buyers’ remorse.” It can prevent people from making a purchase, even if they’re interested in a product.

One way to overcome buyers’ remorse is to show potential customers that your product is a worthwhile investment.

For example, if you sell fitness equipment, you could highlight the long-term health benefits of using your product, or offer a money-back guarantee to show that you stand behind your product.

By demonstrating that your product will make their life better in some way, you can help to alleviate the guilt that potential customers may feel about making a purchase.

Something as simple as creating a page on your website that outlines the benefits of your product, along with customer testimonials and a guarantee.

I’d even go so far as create a FAQ style page on your website which showcases the most frequently asked questions about your product.

Implementing these suggestions can and will help to convince potential customers that your product is worth the investment, and make them more likely to make that purchase without feeling the any guilt, which in turn will increase your conversion rate.

Mitigate Risk

Sure, there’s always a risk when buying a product online, however, like I mentioned above, I can’t stress enough the importance of offering some kind of guarantee like a full money back guarantee. I’ve even seem some offers where they guarantee satisfaction or they’ll refund the customer double their investment.

This can give potential customers confidence in their purchase, even if they never end up using it.

In reality, few people are likely to take advantage of whatever guarantee you’re offering, however, just having it there can be enough to make them more likely to buy from you…and customers who buy definitely increase your conversion rate.

Your important take-away’s from today’s post is that while there are many different barriers to sales, which can negatively effect your chances to increase you conversion rate, by incorporating the strategies outlined in this post, you should be able to overcome these challenges and not only increase your chances of success but increase your conversion rate as well.

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