
3 tips to Creating the Perfect Email Marketing Campaign

The effectiveness of Creating the Perfect Email Marketing Campaign, of course depends on many factors, and just because you have the attention of your subscriber doesn’t mean you’ll be able to make sales.

Incredible things happen when you craft the perfect e-mail marketing campaign.

  • You can reach a huge number of people without them even having to come to you.
  • You can message them right in their inboxes…which they’ll probably check on a daily basis
  • You’ll be able to convey as much information as you want to them right there and then while you have their attention.

As I mentioned above, the effectiveness of Creating the Perfect Email Marketing Campaign, depends on many factors, so if you’re thinking…

“Well, they subscribed to my list, so I must have their attention…I should be able to make sales right?”


Well Firstly, you’re going to of course need to be able to maintain that attention for long enough for them to actually take in your message. Oh, by the way, that attention span we’re talking about, well that’s actually less than a goldfish. I know, shocking right, but nonetheless, adults typically pay attention to one task for about eight seconds.

Then there’s the fact that your message needs to be convincing enough to actually make them want to buy your product or sign up to your service, and I hate to burst your bubble however, the sad fact is that a lot of e-mails will get deleted before they even get read.

Fortunately, creating the Perfect Email Marketing Campaign is a science more than it is an art, what I mean by this is that it can be tested, fine-tuned and honed.

In today’s post, I’m going to delve into the 3 marketing activities you’re going to need for creating the Perfect Email Marketing Campaign making it more convincing and more likely to convert your leads into paying customers.

1.Testing, tracking, tweaking

The most important way to improve your e-mail marketing campaign is to be able to test and measure its success over time.

In other words, you’re going to need to be able to make some gradual and slight changes to the precise wording and strategies you use in your messages.

By testing and tracking your data you’ll be able to directly relate how these changes are affecting the number of people that actually click on your links and end up on your site buying your products or services.

What this means is that if you’re looking for any type of success when crafting the perfect Email Marketing Campaign, your marketing strategy should take into account the need to make these measured changes.

The changes you make will then give you a different result.

Whether the change you made results in more sales or less, if you’re not testing, tracking then tweaking little elements like the precise wording, the time you send out the message or the type of subject heading you use…well it’d be like launching an arrow in the air and hoping it hits the target in front of you…oh yeah…and you’re wearing a blindfold!

Testing, usually referred to as A/B testing is something usually offered by professional email marketing services and something I highly suggest you give some serious thought to as you’re creating the perfect Email Marketing Campaign.


An aspect of creafting the Perfect Email Marketing Campaign that many people will overlook is receptiveness.

In other words you need to message the right demographic with the write text but just as importantly you need to message them at a time and in a way that they will be likely to be most receptive too.

When it comes to joining mailing lists, one of the most important things you can do is to make sure that your list signs up being aware that you are going to use their details for marketing purposes.

You might get fewer people joining the list, but those who do won’t be annoyed to get your messages which will mean that they will be more likely to read it and more likely to respond favorably to what you’re saying.


A great marketing strategy will take place across multiple platforms and won’t just incorporate one medium.

What I mean by that is, if you want to maximize the effectiveness of your email marketing campaign, then you’re going to need to use other methods to and tie them in together.

That might mean launching a competition or offer and giving the discount only to those on your mailing list, or anything else that takes a more cohesive approach to marketing rather than seeing it as lots of disconnected techniques.

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