My Honest Namecheap review, My Chosen Domain Registrar Since 2008

Today’s post is my Namecheap review and why I’ve been using Namecheap as my domain registrar for not only this site, but every site I’ve built since January 2009.

So, if you’ve finally made the decision to start an online business, at some point in your very near future, if you’re not already there yet, you’re going to need to purchase your domain name.

Namecheap review

Even if your just thinking of selling on marketplaces like Etsy, the almighty FB or maybe even eBay, I believe it’s imperative that you have a place all your own on the internet that you have complete control.

Purchasing your domain name and owning your own website offers you the freedom to not only Build Brand You, it’s an excellent platform where you can sell your products without paying anyone a fee.

Domains are extremely affordable these days and with a wide variety of top level domains (TLDs), you’ll be spoiled for choice. Of course, .com domains are still preferred by most marketers – but in terms of search engine rankings, even the other TLDs stand just as good a chance of ranking, if your SEO skills are good.

It’s important to note that different domain registrars charge different prices. If you were to purchase your domain from a hosting company, you could expect to pay more than what you’d need to.

In fact, it’s better to keep your domain registrar and web hosting provider separate. This will prevent your domain from being ‘held hostage’ by the hosting company should you wish to switch to another hosting provider.

Furthermore, buying all your domains from one place will make it much more convenient and less confusing when it comes to managing them.

When I first started out online I actually purchased my first domain name from GoDaddy, however, I came across Namecheap in January of 2009 and in my opinion it’s one of the best domain registrars that I’ve found. With over 11 million registered users and 10 million domains registered, it’s safe to say that they’re one of the biggest players in the scene.

Now let’s get to my Namecheap review by “popping up the hood” up and taking a look around at the pros and cons of this domain registrar to see if you should choose them to register your domain with.

The Pros Of NameCheap

  • They’re Very Affordable

While I was doing the research for my Namecheap review post, I found that just like its name suggests, the pricing on Namecheap is ridiculously affordable. Registering a domain with them will cost you less than $10 for a top level domain.

Beginner marketers who are on a tight budget will definitely be able to fork out this small sum and buy their own domain name

…and let’s be honest here…you’re not going to make it very far with starting an online business if you can’t afford or aren’t willing to part with $10 bucks.

  • They’re reputable & trustworthy

Namecheap has been in the game since it was founded in 2000… and here we are 22 years later, it’s still going strong.

I’d say that’s proof that the company’s pretty reputable and trustworthy. Seeing as most businesses fail within the first 5 years…I guess It’s safe to say they’ve stood the test of time. This is not a domain registrar that’s here today and gone tomorrow.

  • They’re pretty easy to use

I really didn’t need to do that much research for my Namecheap review post when it came to the interface. I simply opened my really easy to navigate dashboard where you can easily manage all your domains. Even beginners will find it intuitive and easy to use.

  • They’ve got a wide variety of TLDs

You’ve got a wide range of top level domains to choose from (e.g. com, .co,.io, .art, .LLC, .ca, etc.)… and you can get them all from one place. For me that’s extremely convenient. I remember as I was transitioning all my domain names from Godaddy to NameCheap…having to toggle between the two dashboards made it frustrating to say the least.

  • They’ve offer domain security & free privacy protection

Not only is your domain secure, but you’ll get WHOIS protection for life. So your registration details will be protected and not available for the world to see.
Unlike some domain registrars which charge you extra for privacy, with Namecheap, it’s absolutely free! This alone makes Namecheap a winner in my eyes.

  • They’re domain transfer process is super easy

If you’ve registered a domain or two with another registrar as I have in the past, and you’re interested in moving them all over to Namecheap, just contact their support and they’ll do it for you. There may be a fee involved… but no matter what, it’s convenient and easy for you.

  • You’ve got full DNS access

You’re able to redirect your domains to your hosting’s nameservers on your own. No waiting in a queue to be added to someone work to do list. You’ve got DNS access and a lot of flexibility when it comes to managing your domain. It’s super fast and conveniently located all from within your dashboard by clicking on the manage button next to your chosen domain.

  • Their customer support is awesome

I really love that they offer 24/7 live chat support. If you have any issues with any of your domain’s, you can get immediate assistance. While I consider myself to be a pretty techie guy, I have used their support in the past so I can confidently add it to my Namecheap review post that the entire process was quite quick!

You’ll find further down in my Namecheap review post, under the cons, that I mention that they don’t seem to offer any phone support. This doesn’t bother me one bit as I am not much of a phone person anyways…I absolutely hate pushing 15 buttons and then being on hold wasting my time…so to add a positive blurb in my Namecheap review post about their online support chat for me…is well…I just find their online chat support to be a big thumbs up.

  • But I’m not a techie person

If you’re not as techie as I am, fear not…while it’s super easy to navigate the interfaces and use the options in Namecheap, you’re never alone. There are plenty of video tutorials to guide you.

  • But I’m not a techie person

Besides just registering domains, you can get hosting with Namecheap too. They also have managed WordPress hosting.

But as I mentioned above in my Namecheap review post, it’s better to get hosting from another company that’s separate from your domain registrar.

While there’s nothing wrong with Namecheap’s hosting – I believe it’s never wise to put all your eggs in one basket, that’s why I host not only this site but every site I’ve built using Hostgator. I’ve written a pretty extensive review of Hostgator’s service as well and before you buy your hosting, you might be interested in reading my honest review of my hosting company.

If you don’t wish to register a domain, but you’d still like a professional business email for your business, Namecheap offers this service too for a very low price. This may be suitable for freelancers, people who sell in other marketplaces and so on.

The Cons of NameCheap

Nothing in life is perfect, and it wouldn’t be much of an honest Namecheap review if I didn’t list what I believe to be the cons as well as the pros right?

And while I could only find a few cons to this service, I thought it was still important to mention them

As affordable as Namecheap’s pricing is, the pricing for some domains are significantly higher when it’s time for renewal.

For example, if you were to purchase the domain (yes, this TLD is available in Namecheap), it would cost you $15.00 (Canadian dollars) in the first year. If you wish to renew this TLD the following year, the price jumps to $55.08.

That’s a significant difference.

While it may be more expensive in year two, if your building an authority type review website, where you’re writing and posting content all about reviewing the best toys for our dogs…it gives you an entire year to become profitable before making the decision to renew at that price. In my opinion…from a branding stand point…for $55 you’re website is both descriptive as well as memorable!

So, whether or not you think the jump in price is significant, I felt it was still something that needed to be added to my Namecheap review post to make sure it was something you’re aware of when purchasing a domain.

Other than this, like I mentioned above in the pros, the only other con I could find for my namecheap review post was that Namecheap has no phone support. I could care less to be honest as I am definitely the type to attempt to fix it myself rather than spend time pressing buttons on a phone and then being placed on hold listening to some cheap elevator music interrupted by the occasional sales pitches.

So Based On My Namecheap review…Will You Use NameCheap To Register That Perfect Domain Name?

For me and my business it’s a no brainer, it’s a resounding YES!
They’ve proven themselves with over 20 years in business and with over 11 million satisfied users, you can’t go wrong with them.

They offer great service, they’re really easy to use, and offer some excellent pricing packages. I mean really??? What more could you ask for in a domain registrar?

In my opinion, Namecheap is an awesome service that will benefit most online marketers.

Did I miss anything in my Namecheap review post? Whether you believe its a pro or a con, or maybe you’ve got a question that I didn’t answer in my Namecheap review post…please feel free to leave a comment below or simply send me your question using my contact me page

Click Here to register your new domain name using Namecheap

1 thought on “My Honest Namecheap review, My Chosen Domain Registrar Since 2008”

  1. Pingback: My Honest HostGator review, My Chosen Hosting Since 2009 - Bryan Kenny

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